Category Archives: Tips

Guide to home styles

You can brush up on your residential architecture with our home buyer quick guide to common home styles.

This guide covers the most popular styles of homes in North America, including why some people prefer certain layouts.


Ranch Style This style of house features one-level living. There may be a full or partial basement. Generally, a garage is attached to the side of the house.
Ranch Home Style

Split Level

Split Level Style This style of house became very popular following World War II because of the amount of space and utility provided. Split levels fall into two types: side-to-side and front-to-back.
Split Level Home Style


Colonial Style This style of two-story house has been a mainstay of residential architecture for many years. These are generally well-built houses, with many being custom built. Their main appeal seems to be the spaciousness and elegance.
Colonial Home Style

Cape Cod

Cape Cod Style This very practical one and one-half story style of house has been popular for many years, with most capes concentrated in the northern regions. Many resale capes have been expanded over the years for increased living area.
Cape Code Home Style


Contemporary Style These “casual” houses are usually sheathed in redwood or stained hardwood and come in many sizes and shapes.
Contemporary Home Style


Bi-Level Style This style of house is also referred to as a split ranch. The bi-level house is a modified version of the ranch house, with the major difference being that the lower level is more out of the ground than in the ground. Seldom is there a basement.
Bi-Level Home Style


Victorian Style The Victorian style of house was built in various models during the turn of the last century. Home buyers appreciate the architectural nuances of Victorian houses including large porches and interesting bay windows.
Victorian Home Style


Townhouse Style This style of house takes its name from the type of house which dominated the early residential development of our early cities, notably the row houses.
Townhouse Home Style


Tudor Style Tudors and other English style houses were built during the period of the late 1800s through the 1920s. The combination of stucco and distinctive wood trim exterior provides the Tudor style house with a uniqueness which is most appealing.
Tudor Home Style

Courtesy of HouseMaster home inspectors

Preventing Basement Flooding After a Drought

Lake St. Louis, MO — Maryetta Rooks never dreamed that she and her family would be going through a drought just two years after moving to Lake St. Louis from Las Vegas.  Because of the drought, Maryetta has noticed several signs of foundation settlement around her home, including cracks in drywall and the concrete foundation.

“I hope it rains, because we need it,” Maryetta says.  “But I hope it’s not too much more than we can take.”

In the wake of Hurricane Isaac, the Greater St. Louis and Metro-East , Southeast Missouri, Central Illinois, and Southern Illinois will most certainly see some rain this weekend.  To help you protect your basement, here are 4 steps you can take to minimize the risk of basement flooding.

1. Test your sump pump.

The heart of any waterproofing system is the sump pump.  To ensure that your sump pump is working properly, pour water into the sump pump liner.  If the pump is operational, then it will immediately begin pumping the water out of your basement and away from your home.

In case of a power outage or mechanical failure, it’s always a good idea to invest in a battery backup sump pump.  During a heavy downpour, one sump pump alone may not be powerful enough to pump groundwater out faster than it can leak into your basement.  A battery backup sump pump is one way to keep your basement dry all the time.

2. Clean out your gutters.

Especially during a drought, it’s common for soil to crack and pull away from the foundation, leaving a void around the home where rainwater can easily rush in and penetrate foundation cracks or seep through block foundation walls.  Therefore, it’s critical that your gutters are cleaned out well and draining rainwater away from your foundation.

3. Extend downspouts away from your foundation.

Downspouts should be extended at least 10 feet away from your foundation and flowing freely.  You want to minimize the chance of water pooling around your foundation and leaking into your basement.  Adding downspout extensions is one of the best ways to redirect rainwater before it becomes an issue.

4. Lightly water the soil around your foundation.

Lightly watering hydrates the soil and helps close up cracks caused by a drought.  This will help minimize the risk of rainwater running into cracks and leaking mud and water into your basement.

These are just a few ways to minimize the risk of basement flooding.

Courtesy of Woods Basement Systems James E. Lord


Learn to meet home disasters—both big and small—head-on without panic. Take effective action on burst pipes, flooded basements, kitchen fires, power outages, tornadoes, electrical storms and more.

Tornado image: Ryan McGinnis/Flickr/Getty Images

By the DIY experts of The Family Handyman MagazineOverview: Do you know what to do?
According to disaster experts, 9 out of 10 people either panic or freeze during an emergency; only one is able to jump into effective action.. To make sure you’re ready for anything, here are 12 big and little home emergencies and the steps you should take first to tackle these disasters head on.

Emergency 1: Wild animal invasion

Raccoons can chew up a lot of stuff fast.
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Nighttime visitor

Raccoons can chew up a lot of stuff fast.

Photo: Sede Press/Photodisc/Getty Images

A squirrel or raccoon in the house may not seem like an emergency, but those critters can do a lot of damage quickly. If all else fails, you may have to call in a wildlife removal service or your town’s animal control officer.

What to do first: Isolate the varmint by closing the doors to all the other rooms in the house. Then open a window. Leave the room and shut the door. The animal will eventually find its way out the window.

What not to do: Don’t try to chase the invader out. It’ll just panic and hide. If it crawls into a hidden spot and poops, has babies or dies…that’s a smelly set of different problems.

The worst thing to do: Don’t let your dog or cat help with the eviction. That could result in an expensive trip to the vet or a gory mess.

Emergency 2: Burst pipe

Burst pipe
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Burst pipe

Turn off the water at the main valve quickly. Water damage can be expensive.

A gushing plumbing leak can dump several gallons per minute into your home. You have to act fast to stop the stream—and that’s just the beginning.

Stop the flow: Shutting off the main water valve is an obvious move. But there may still be a few gallons of water held in pipes above the leak. Turn on the lowest faucet in the house, which will let the water harmlessly drain out of the faucet instead of through the leaking pipe.

Don’t delay cleanup: The longer things stay wet, the more likely you’ll have permanent damage. Delay can even lead to mold problems inside walls, which can cost thousands to eradicate. So before you run off to buy plumbing parts, clean up the mess. Pronto.

Emergency 3: Flooded basement

Keep dry until you turn off electrical power.
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Keep dry

Keep dry until you turn off electrical power.

Photo: Michael Blann/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Your first impulse will be to wade in and rescue your stuff. But that water might be dangerous, so put on your boots and take these precautions.

Don’t get fried: Any water in contact with electricity might be deadly. Even a shallow puddle could be electrified by a cord on the floor. Stay out of the water until you’ve turned off the power to your basement. If you can’t reach the circuit breaker box, call an electrician or your utility to cut the power to your home.

Don’t get sick: If the flooding is due to flash floods or your belongings are leaching toxins, the floodwaters may contain toxic chemicals and will almost certainly breed dangerous bacteria. Protect cuts and open sores from floodwaters and wear plastic gloves when handling your possessions.

Did You Know?

If the damage to your home isn’t covered by your homeowner’s insurance, don’t report it to your insurance company. The report may still go on your insurance record and look like a claim when you shop for new insurance in the future.

Emergency 4: Kitchen fire

Grease fire
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Grease fire

A grease fire that spreads to nearby curtains is a common cause of kitchen fires.

More than any other emergency, fire makes people panic and do dumb things. But armed with a few basic rules, you’ll reduce the panic and respond effectively.

React fast: If it’s a toaster fire, unplug the cord and use an ABC (dry chemical) fire extinguisher or pour baking soda into the toaster (and then get a new toaster). If it’s a stove-top fire, turn off the burner and smother the flames by dousing them with baking soda or putting the lid on the pan.

Or do nothing: If it’s an oven fire, the most dangerous thing you can do is open the door. Just leave the oven door closed and turn off the heat to the oven. The fire will eventually smother itself.

Bad move: Don’t use water to put out a grease fire. It can splash the burning grease and cause burns.

Worse move: Never carry a burning pan outside. It can cause a full-scale house fire if flaming grease spills and ignites something else.

Did You Know?

Each year, one out of every eight homes has a kitchen cooking fire.

Top 5 Causes of home fires:

  • Cooking fires
  • Heating equipment
  • Smoking
  • Electrical (wiring, lamps, outlets, etc.)
  • Children playing with lighters and matches

To prevent these and other common causes of home fires type “home fires” in the search box above.

Emergency 5: Bat in the house

Open a window or door; the bat wants out.
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Bat trouble

Open a window or door; the bat wants out.

Photo: Digital Zoo/Digital Vision/Getty Images

In most people, bats cause a visceral reaction (like screaming and covering your head). But keep in mind that a bat doesn’t want to tangle with you (or your hair) any more than you want to tangle with it.

Plan A: Open a window and get out of the way. There’s a good chance the bat will leave on its own.

Plan B: If the bat lands before it can exit, look for it in places it can hang, such as behind drapes or upholstered furniture. When you find the bat, throw a thick towel over it and carry it outside (just to warn you, the bat will complain loudly, but don’t drop it!). Shake out the towel so the bat can fly away.

Worst move: Don’t approach a bat with bare hands. Bats can carry rabies. Wear thick gloves to avoid bites.

Emergency 6: Power outage

Emergency flashlight
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Emergency flashlight

Always keep a flashlight loaded with good batteries in a handy drawer.

Surprisingly enough, the worst trouble caused by power outages often occurs when the problem is resolved and the power comes back on.

Prepare for surges: Turn off and unplug all electrical equipment, including your tools, appliances and electronics, and turn your heating thermostat down (or cooling thermostat up) to prevent damage from surges when the power returns. (Major appliances can be turned off at the breaker box.) Leave one light on so you’ll know when the power is restored.

What not to do: Once the power is restored, don’t turn everything back on at once, which can create internal power surges. First restore the thermostat setting on the heating or cooling system and turn on your larger appliances. Give the electrical system a few minutes to stabilize before plugging in your remaining appliances and electronics.

Watch for more trouble: If your lights are noticeably dimmer or brighter after the power is restored, turn off all the power at the breaker or fuse box and call your electric utility.

Emergency 7: Electrical storm

Electrical storm
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Electrical storm

Unplug sensitive electronics to protect them from power surges.

Lightning strikes can burn out circuit boards in appliances, computers and telephones, doing thousands of dollars in damage in less than a second. If you hear thunder, power surges are possible, even if you don’t see any lightning.

Protect your gadgets: Unplug computers and phone lines, and unplug corded telephones and sensitive electronics to prevent damage from power surges.

Don’t wait for flames: If your home gets hit, call the fire department immediately. Lightning strikes can cause small fires inside walls that smolder for hours before you notice anything.

Play it safe: Lightning may strike nearby electrical and phone lines and travel to your home. Avoid contact with electrical appliances and telephones (landlines).

Wacky but true: Lightning strikes can travel through metal plumbing pipes. Avoid sitting on the toilet and don’t shower or bathe during electrical storms.

Did You Know?

Lightning is the second-leading weather-related killer in the United States. More deadly than hurricanes or tornadoes, lightning strikes kill an average of 70 people and injure 300 others each year.

Emergency 8: Tornado or high winds

Take cover!
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Twister in action

Take cover!

Photo: Don Farrall/Photodisc Red/Getty Images.

Straight-line winds cause as much damage as tornadoes, but they’re more unpredictable. So when a storm with high winds approaches your area, don’t wait for the sirens to sound before you take action.

Take cover: Move to a protected interior room on the lowest floor of the house, as far as possible from exterior walls and windows. Use pillows, cushions, blankets or mattresses to protect yourself from flying debris.

Ignore the myths: Don’t open windows to “equalize the pressure” no matter what your grandparents told you. This can cause even greater damage. And the southwest corner of the basement may not be the safest spot to hunker down, especially if it’s near an outside wall or window.

Did You Know?

About 1,000 tornadoes are recorded each year in the United States—over 10 times more than in any other country.

Emergency 9: Carbon monoxide alert

Carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in the United States. Take it seriously and make sure you have working CO detectors in your home.

Check for symptoms: The early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning resemble those of the flu. If the alarm sounds and anyone is experiencing headaches, dizziness, fatigue or vomiting, get everyone out of the house and call 911.

Never ignore the alarm: Don’t assume all is well if no one feels ill. Open your doors and windows to thoroughly ventilate the house. Turn off all potential sources of CO—your oil or gas furnace, gas water heater, gas range and oven, gas dryer, gas or kerosene space heater, and any vehicle or small engine. Have a qualified technician inspect your fuel-burning appliances and chimneys to make sure they’re operating correctly and that there’s nothing blocking the vents that let fumes out of the house.

Emergency 10: Leaking roof

Big roof leak
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Big roof leak

Don’t climb on your roof to stop leaks until after the storm. Wet roofs can be slippery.

High winds that tear off shingles or send broken tree branches through your roof are usually accompanied by rain, so you have to act fast to minimize water damage.

Quick fix: For damage larger than a shingle or two, the fastest bandage is a plastic tarp. Secure a tarp over the damaged area with 2x4s or lath nailed to the roof. If possible, secure the tarp over the roof ridge; it’s difficult to make the tarp waterproof at the upper end.

Don’t kill yourself: Trying to patch a slippery, wet roof during a storm is dangerous. Add in high winds or lightning and the situation is deadly. So think twice before you head up there.

Emergency 11: After a hurricane

The period after is as dangerous as the storm itself.
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Hurricane weather

The period after is as dangerous as the storm itself.

Photo: Emma Lee/Life File/Photographers Choice/Getty Images

High winds and storm surges cause a lot of property damage during a hurricane. But more people die in the aftermath of a hurricane than during the storm itself—primarily from carbon monoxide poisoning and electrocution.

Act wisely: Don’t use generators, charcoal grills or propane camping stoves indoors. And don’t clear debris from your home and yard without surveying the area carefully. Downed or damaged power lines can send electrical currents through tree branches and metal fences.

What not to do: Avoid an “every man for himself” mentality. Once officials have signaled the “all clear,” survey the damage to your home and reach out to your neighbors. It will be difficult to drive anywhere for supplies (if stores are even open), and you’ll conserve resources by pooling them. Assess your neighbors’ stocks of food, water and other resources. Eating meals collectively will reduce the amount of food that spoils (use fresh foods first) and will conserve cooking fuel.

Did You Know?

Hurricanes, tornadoes and winter storms are the top three causes of catastrophic home insurance losses.

Emergencies are dramatic, but far more people are injured in ordinary household accidents. To find out how to make your home safer, visit

Emergency 12: Dead furnace

Check the simple things before calling for service help.
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Furnace trouble

Check the simple things before calling for service help.

As the temperature drops inside your house, your first worry may be the budget-busting cost of an after-hours service call. But there are things you can troubleshoot before you pick up the phone.

Check the simple stuff first:

  • Is the filter filthy? A clogged filter can cause the furnace to shut down.
  • Is it getting power? There’s a switch (just like a standard light switch) near the furnace. Make sure it’s on. Check the circuit breaker or fuse box, too. A natural gas furnace won’t work without power either—the thermostat, fan motor and gas valve all need electricity to operate.
  • Is the gas valve on? The handle should be parallel to the gas pipe.
  • Is the exhaust pipe clear? Sometimes heavy snow can cover up the exhaust vent to the outside.
  • Does the thermostat need to be reset? Turn it down, then turn it back up.

Prepare for the worst: If the inside temperature continues to fall, take action to prevent burst pipes. Turn off the main water valve and drain the pipes by turning on the faucets to let out the remaining water. Use a plunger to drive water out of the toilets and drain traps.

Emergency Tips:

Backup water supply
If your water supply shuts down, remember that your water heater holds enough drinking and cooking water to last several days. Let the water cool for a few hours before you open the drain valve at the bottom of the tank.
Tim Hossfeld, St. Charles, MO

Emergency drain
If your basement is flooding, remove the basement toilet to create an instant, high-capacity floor drain. That will also let in nasty sewer gases, so don’t leave the drain unplugged any longer than necessary.
Jeramy Rath, Parker, CO

Bucket flush
You don’t have to live without a toilet just because the water supply is off. If you have a pool or other water source, you can flush with a bucket. Pour about 3 gallons into the bowl (not the tank) to get a fine flush.
Dan Noar, Santa Rosa, CA

Don’t get locked in
Garage door openers lock up when the power goes off. Make sure everyone in your home knows about the cord that releases the door from the opener. That way, they can lift the door open and get the car out in an emergency.
Mark Hinton, Clarion, IA

Freddie Mac is now giving buyers a $500 credit to use toward the home warranty of their choice.

Freddie Mac is now giving buyers a $500 credit to use toward the home warranty of their choice. Make the RIGHT choice and recommend the HSA Home Warranty. See the flyer for all the details!

Freddie Mac is offering $500 towards home warranty


Courtesy of Robin Haynes

HSA Home Warranties

Cell: (314) 571-0069




Should your air conditioning or heat pump system not work, performing your own check of the system may enable you to get it running again without having to wait for a service person.

  • Ensure the outdoor unit is running.
    Listen for the hum of the compressor and check for an operating fan at the outdoor unit. If not operating, check the circuit breakers in the main circuit breaker panel or at the service disconnect near the unit (most likely mounted to an outside wall). Is it in the “On” position? If it “Off” and wasn’t deliberately turned off by someone (such as one might do if going on an extended vacation), it is best to leave it off and call for service. The breaker may have tripped due to an electric short or overload problem.
  • Ensure that the blower in the furnace cabinet or air handler is running.
    If the thermostat is in the “COOL” position and the room temperature is above the setpoint, the blower should be running. If not, check to make sure the switch at the furnace or air handler is in the “ON” position
  • Check the filter condition.
    An extremely dirty or blocked filter can cause your air conditioner to shut down due to lack of proper airflow. Your filter should be checked and, if needed, changed every month. Typically the filter is located at the air handler; however, it may also be found at a central return air grille (more common for ceiling returns with packaged units in attics).
  • Check all return air grilles to make sure they are not blocked by furniture or other items.
    Check all supply air registers to make sure they are open and blowing air. Air should be drawn into the return air grilles at a steady rate. Returns are normally the larger grilles located on interior walls, or the ceiling.
  • Check the condensate system.
    Some air conditioning and heat pumps systems have a device installed in the condensate pan or at a condensate pump to shut down the system to prevent an overflow when lines become blocked. Check to make sure all pans and drains are free flowing and terminated properly.

If addressing these issues doesn’t get the unit running again, then it’s time to call a qualified HVAC service company.

Remember, these tips are only general guidelines. Since each situation is different, contact a professional if you have questions about a specific issue.

By Housemasters Home Inspections

Call Rick Bryant today.
223 Meadowbrook Heights Drive Wentzville MO 63385 USA

Its not your A/C that is broking

A reminder for homeowners: Generally, the average temperature differential of an air conditioning system is 20 degrees, with the best systems maxing out at 24 degrees.

On an extremely hot day, if you’re trying to set your thermostat at 75 and it’s 100 outside, the air conditioning will run constantly and never reach the desired temperature on the thermostat.

This doesn’t mean your air conditioning isn’t working, it simply means it’s too hot outside.

Courtesy of HSA Home Warranty – Robin Hayes (314) 571-0069